Breast Augmentation Recovery — Healing Fort Lauderdale

Published on March 7, 2015
Breast Augmentation Recovery Fort Lauderdale

Breast surgery is often a way to increase the size of a woman’s breasts using either saline or silicone implants. This specific surgery is known as a breast augmentation and is one of the more common requests board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Rodriguez receives. This blog will detail some useful things to know about the breast augmentation recovery process.

In the first few hours following surgery, you will experience the most discomfort of your recovery; this is easily alleviated with the prescribed pain medication given to you beforehand. Most patients are sleepy following anesthesia and pain medications. Taking this time to sleep gives the body time to acclimate and helps lessen discomfort. In addition, rest is critical to expediting the breast augmentation recovery period.

To learn more about breast augmentation recovery, contact our Fort Lauderdale office to set up a private consultation.

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