Fillers Conveniently located to serve Miami and Dade County

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Juvederm Injectable Dermal Fillers Fort LauderdaleThe youthful face has soft features, full cheeks, and draws attention to the eyes. Injectable dermal fillers in Fort Lauderdale are products that are used to restore a more youthful appearance by filling in specific areas of the face that have lost volume over time or enhancing areas of need. The procedure is performed in the office to restore facial volume and improve lines, wrinkles, and scars. Additionally, fillers are also commonly used to enhance your existing facial features including lips, cheekbones, chin, and nose.

There are a number of FDA-approved products available on the market today, including Hydrelle, Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Radiesse, Evolence, and Sculptra, to name a few. Each has its own unique characteristics making them useful for different applications. While the previously named fillers are temporary, there are also a number of permanent options available to the consumer. Because of all the marketing associated with this billion-dollar industry, choosing the right filler for you could be a daunting task. Depending on your goals and expectations, Dr. Rodriguez will help you choose the right filler for you in your quest for that softer, natural look.

Juvederm Injectable Dermal Fillers Results Fort Lauderdale
Juvederm Injectable Dermal Fillers Results Fort Lauderdale

View Before & After Photos Here

Your procedure will be performed by Dr. Rodriguez in Fort Lauderdale.

Dermal Fillers Cost

The cost of dermal fillers including Juvederm in Fort Lauderdale varies greatly depending on a variety of criteria. Price is dependent on factors like the number of injections required and the number of wrinkles being treated. Please contact our office for more information.

He changed my life!

“I love the magic hands of Dr. Magic Mike! He changed my life! And will change yours too!

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Michael Rodriguez is a highly skilled and experienced facial aesthetic expert who specializes in dermal fillers and Juvederm injections in Fort Lauderdale. Recognized as one of the best aestheticians in Fort Lauderdale, Dr. Rodriguez is dedicated to providing the best results Fort Lauderdale has to offer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for your injectable dermal fillers treatment.

Call: 305-615-4200
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