Breast Augmentation Fort Lauderdale
Published on November 30, 2019 by Michael Rodriguez
Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed in the United States today. Millions of women have used Breast Augmentation to enhance their bust size for a number of personal reasons. Some women increase their breast size because they feel their natural breasts are disproportionately small for their figure, while other women may find that as they get older, particularly after a weight loss or pregnancy and nursing, that their breasts have decreased in size over time. In some cases the breast augmentation may even be used to correct a severe case of breast asymmetry when one breast is more than a cup size smaller than the other breast. There are any number of reasons a woman may wish to enhance her breast size, but the most important thing is that the decision is coming from that person and that it is something they have educated themselves about and seriously thought through the benefits and risks any surgical procedure brings.
Sometimes the breast augmentation procedure is performed in combination with other procedures, most commonly the breast lift to both lift the breasts to a more perky and youthful position, as well as enhance the breast fullness and size. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Rodriguez today.